Tetteh Samuel

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The Doctors said the surgery should be done in China. But we don’t have much money so he has been going for check up every week. We ask you for resources of all kinds for compassion and healing. For my father. We come before you with hearts heavy with concern for my Daddy Mr. Tetteh Samuel, Whose health journey has led him to the necessity of surgery in China, A journey fraught with financial burdens beyond our means. Grant us the strength to face this challenge with faith and resilience, Guide our efforts as we seek to raise the funds needed for his treatment, May our community be filled with generosity and compassion, As we rally together to support our beloved friend in his time of need. Bless Mr. Tetteh Samuel with courage and fortitude. As he continues his weekly check-ups with hope in his heart. May he find comfort in knowing that he is not alone, But surrounded by a circle of love and support. May our efforts be fruitful, O Source of abundance. And may every donation be a step closer to healing and wholeness. We place our trust in your divine providence, And humbly ask for your guidance in this fundraising endeavor. Amen. Daughter Joyce

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Donation Total: $100.00